Friday, May 13, 2011


The longer I am a part of this world, the more I echo the Apostle Paul’s words from Romans, how God has made himself plain in the world around us, how his eternal attributes and very nature are plainly seen from that which is made (Romans 1:18-20). Paul writes those words with a word of warning, declaring that all people have an opportunity to know the immortal, invisible, eternal God of the universe. Some of just pay attention more closely than others.
The picture I asked to be printed with this week’s article is of our two senior horses on our farm. The white mare is Sissy. We had to put her down back in mid-April. We selected a private section of our property that is beautiful and quiet. It is just beyond one of the pasture gates. My wife and I stood back there saying our own goodbye’s, brushing, and rubbing this horse that had been a part of our life for more than a decade. The only other horse that showed interest in what was going on was Sissy’s long-time pasture friend, Skippy. The two of them have shared the same pasture and our lives for more than 13 years.

Skippy kept bumping the gate and trying to get back to where we were standing. It became obvious that she had a few final words of her own for her friend. I went to the barn to get a halter, and then led her back to where we were standing. What followed was simply amazing and a lesson from our Heavenly Father on pastoral care.

The two touched noses several times, tenderly recognizing the moment that had come. Then Skippy began to whisper some quiet “horse-talk” in Sissy’s ear. I have always believed that animals know more, feel more, and communicate more than we give them credit, and I would give almost anything to know what was said between the two on that afternoon. There came a moment when it was clear they had said all that needed to be said and it was time to go. We led Skippy out of that section and let the vet do what he had been summoned to do.

I was reminded once again that there are no “right” words at a time like this, there are only your words, the ones spoken directly from your heart with all the stops and starts, the stuttering and stammering that come when we face moments of ultimate significance. I was reminded that a true friend is not afraid to help another friend face that which can be difficult to face. The friend just needs to be there. It is a calling to be present in the same way a pastor is called to a congregation or a shepherd calls to his sheep. I was reminded again that it is never too late to say “I love you” one more time. It doesn’t matter what has gone on before or what history has to be overcome to get the words out. I was reminded again that God fills in the silent moments between friends with words of his own that bind hearts together. I was reminded again, that God is teaching us all the time and we need to stop and pay attention more often.

So, to all of you who read this, be well, be blessed, and I love you.
Pastor Craig


  1. Thank you for this, my dear husband! It is times like this that I become completely aware that we really do share the same heart!

  2. After I stopped crying, I thought how beautiful, and remembered times I had to do the same thing for a beloved pet! Thank you for sharing this! My heart is not so heavy------ Aunt Pinkie
