Thursday, May 10, 2012

Which God Is Yours?

Which God is yours? There are all kinds of attitudes and perceptions of God. We try to get a grip on who God is so we know how to approach him. It is one more way we attempt to remake God into something, or someone, we can control and predict.

So we have:

·         God the General – God sits “up there” in command headquarters, directing the troops down here on earth. General God is always totally on your side and against the “enemy,” whoever the enemy happens to be on that particular day.

·         God the Coach – If you pay attention to the signals from the bench, you will win for sure. But God the coach has scruples. If you don’t play by the rules, you may get kicked off the team.

·         God the Computer Hack – This God doesn’t care what happens to us. He set up the “program,” typed in the “run” command, and now is off doing something else when “bugs” are still in the system.

·         God the Cop – God watches your every move and will get you if you step out of line.

·         God the Rock Star – If you want to be a follower, you’ve got to be one of the groupies who follows the Star around, saying flattering things, giving the star credit for everything good that happens, and taking the blame for the bad upon yourself.

·         God the Kindergarten Teacher – As long as you are in school, Kindergarten Teach God will give you cookies wipe your runny nose and give you a hug when you cry. Once you leave kindergarten, you are on your own.

·         God the Social Worker – God gives you really good advice, but you still have to make your own decisions.

·         God the Parent – God is a very good, very caring parent. Parent God loves us but gets very upset when we fight with one another or don’t play fair.

·         God the Artist – God the Artist is extravagant. He makes a whole universe for us to enjoy. He fills the heavens with stars and wonders.

Which of these is correct? All of them and none of them. God can be parts of each of these things, but God is not contained by any one of them. God is bigger and grander than my awkward descriptions and labels I put upon my creator. That is a blessing, because much of the time, my problems and issues are beyond description as well. Having a God bigger than all that requires a tremendous amount of trust on my part, but he has proven himself infinitely faithful across the years!

Don’t settle for just a part of God. If you do, that may be exactly what you get.

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