Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
When will you be Christian?
C. S. Lewis (@CSLewis) tweeted at 11:01 AM on Sun, Oct 21, 2012: A Christian society is not going to arrive until most of us really want it: and we are not going to want it until we become fully Christian. (https://twitter.com/CSLewis/status/260048226500083712) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Why are you here!
C. S. Lewis (@CSLewis) tweeted at 11:06 AM on Tue, Oct 16, 2012: The whole purpose for which we exist is to be thus taken into the life of God. #MereChristianity http://t.co/yPQQkT08 (https://twitter.com/CSLewis/status/258237436486885376) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download
C. S. Lewis (@CSLewis) tweeted at 11:03 AM on Sun, Oct 14, 2012: Wickedness, when you examine it, turns out to be the pursuit of some good in the wrong way. #cslewis #merechristianity (https://twitter.com/CSLewis/status/257511951968653312) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download
Monday, October 15, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012

The finer things in life. . . Do a Google search for Christie’s, the world-famous auction house of “finer things”, and you will come across the most recent sales items. It turns out that the most recent sale listed was for four custom made handbags. The handbags were Passe-Guide bags. That may mean something to some of you. I know nothing about handbags or purses. However, I do know that one of these custom purses sold for more than $128,000 US dollars! I hate to think what the matching shoes would cost!
The most beautiful things God has made come to us for free. He is generous with His glorious sunrises and sunsets. The powerful beauty of the thunderstorm can be seen and heard on many a night. Fireflies in a glass jar are a wonder to behold. The priceless look of our child or loved one peacefully asleep comes for free.
God will not fight you for your own heart. You must give it to Him. He will fight anyone else who tries to claim it from Him once you have declared Him its conqueror and king, but he will not grapple with you. Yours must be an unconditional surrender.
Who owns your heart? Yes, it may have been abused by many in the past. It has probably been trampled on and run over. It has been treated unkindly and without compassion. The result is that we guard it very closely. We keep it behind locked gates. The drawbridge to it remains up and the moat that must be crossed to gain access to it is wide.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Good Intentions
We are all about good intentions. We want credit for trying, for giving our best effort. We intend to follow Jesus in all that we do. We really want to. When this doesn’t work, we intend to try harder. We really do. Well, when that doesn’t. . .Are you getting the picture?
We are up against the perfect law of God. Good intentions don’t matter, only results. Are you perfect yet? Me neither!
Until we come up against that perfect law of God, until the gravity of our own sinfulness becomes reality to us, until we recognize that our best efforts are not even fit to be put in God’s garbage can, we can’t truly experience God’s infinite mercy. You see, until we recognize just how short we have fallen, we can’t appreciate God’s love. We turn Jesus into a helper. Well, let me tell you right now – Jesus did not come to earth to help you be a batter person. Jesus came, died, and rose again that you might become someone totally different. Jesus doesn’t want a better you. He’ll start with that, but He will never leave you there. He won’t allow it. He is going to remake you from head to toe. Nothing is going to be the same.
Following Christ is not about a cessation of sinful activity and an initiation of righteous living. Our righteousness will never get us where we truly need to be. No, Christianity is about a living relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. Much of Christian literature is about telling us what is wrong with us. Most of us already know that!
The gospel is about telling us what God has already done to take care of the problem. There is nothing for you to do, no multi-step program to begin, only to fail miserably like every other time we have tried to live up to our good intentions. Jesus Christ comes to us to live life together, in community, with us. He comes to us to proclaim in our lives as He did on the cross, “It is finished.” No, that won’t mean you’re always perfect from that point onward, but you will be whole!
Pastor Craig
Monday, October 8, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Where is your heart? It is so easy to long for this world. There are many things in this world that cause us joy, but there are many things that cause us frustration and heartache as well.
Remember, if you can, the story of Lot’s wife. If you need a refresher course go home and read Genesis 19 this afternoon. In the story, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are so wicked that God decides to destroy them completely. In the whole region Scripture only records one person that God warned prior to the event, Lot.
Angels came to warn Lot and his family of the coming destruction. The family did not seem to want to leave the city. Finally, the angels compelled them to leave with the warning to not look back and feel sorry for the city. The warning is not one against glancing back. Rather, it involves a sadness for the city or a sense of remorse over what lifestyle is gone. As the family fled the city, Genesis records that Lot’s wife stopped to look back, with the consequences that she was turned into a pillar of salt.
We do not know the thoughts that were in her mind. She may have thought of the place of importance Lot had among the men of the city. She may have thought of the parties or festivals. We do not know. We do know that part of her looking back was a desire to be back there in the midst of it. She chose that which did not last, that which God was going to destroy.
It’s OK to take pleasure in this world. God made it for his glory and our enjoyment. However, we need to pay attention as to where we invest our heart!