Wednesday, June 8, 2011

An Open Letter Concerning the Recent Decision of the PCUSA

Below is a letter to the congregation I serve in Texas. The recent decision of the Presbyterian Church (USA) left the denomination adrift and at the mercies of culture and the whims of society rather than calling society back to the considerations of Scripture.

In August of this year (2011) there will be a meeting in Minneapolis of people who feel they are no longer welcome within their own denomination. Please be in prayer for that meeting. It is more important than any of us realize at this point. What is done, or not done, will effect millions of Presbyterians across the country and strongly impact the nature and ministry of the entire denomination. The letter is below. I would value your response to it.

June 1, 2011
First, I would like to say that the Presbyterian form of government is an awesome thing. We saw several unique and foundational principles from the Book of Order put into play on Sunday. My favorite comes from G-1.0301(a). “God alone is Lord of the conscience, and hath left it free from the doctrines and commandments of men which are in anything contrary to his Word, or beside it, in matters of faith or worship.” In other words, we don’t have to agree. We can take different points of view on issues, even many points of theology, and no pastor, session, church, or denomination can say “you can’t do, believe, or say that” with any authority other than that which the Word of God or the Spirit of God would give of their own authority. It is an awesome foundational principle.

Ultimately, we MUST recognize one another as family. God gives us no other option. He has put us together, and when all the debate and discussion is over, that is where, if possible, God wants us to continue to stand.

I hope this explains why I consider this Minneapolis meeting so important. There are people within the PCUSA (yes, I am one of them) who no longer feel welcome in their own denomination. Viewpoints and theologies which were, at one time foundational pillars of Presbyterianism, seem to have been cast aside by popular vote. In some cases, entire congregations feel this with such intensity that they have requested dismissal from the Presbyterian Church (USA). The meeting in Minneapolis is not a meeting for or of those seeking to leave the denomination. None of the representatives or planning team members are planning to separate themselves from the PCUSA. The conference is an effort to find a place to stand within the denomination, not apart from it.

We are not aligning ourselves with one side or the other simply by our attendance at the conference. We are making a desperate attempt to save our family of faith from division. The worst thing we could possibly do is to remain unengaged, uninvolved, and uninformed. Attendance at this conference says in a loud, clear voice to our members, our presbytery, and our denomination that we want to do all that we can to continue our historical connection to the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Pastor Craig

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