Sunday, June 19, 2011

What Is a Church?

What is a church? I could have asked, “What is The Church?” That is a very different question. When we talk about The Church we talk about all the believers in Jesus Christ regardless of denominational affiliation, differing theologies, languages, races, cultures, ethnic groups. The Church has no boundaries. The Church has no need for a building, nor does it even want one. The Church hopes, loves, believes, and welcomes without prejudice.

Then there is “a church.” A church is a local assembly made up of broken and failing people. It is a collection of sinners, saved by the grace of God through Jesus Christ. A church is a collection of walking wounded warriors sent out to do battle with injustice, Sin and sins, prejudice, hatred, guilt, evil, Satan himself. Yes, there is a real Satan. No, he probably isn’t red with horns and carrying a pitchfork. Yes, he is personal, meaning he has a personality.

A church is a group of children called to take on and fight legions of enemy warriors. A church involves people called to make a difference. A church is never satisfied. It yearns and longs for purpose and mission. A church is people like you, called by their Creator to do tremendous things.

A church is sent. Maybe that is the best way to think about it. A church is not called. Here, I know some of my Christian brothers and sisters will take issue with me. They will say, “Well, of course The Church is called! How could you say it is not?” For this purpose today remember this – a calling is to something. We are called to come to Jesus Christ for salvation, equipping, gifting, and commissioning. After that we are sent! We were never meant to be limited to just the Call. The Sending part ALWAYS follows the Calling part. God calls us to Himself to prepare us to do something in His name. That’s the sending part.

The mission of a church, even The Church, is never limited to looking through the windows and feeling sorry for all the people who may not know Jesus as we do. A church is a group of people who are committed to take care of and support one another for the express purpose of making a difference in the lives of the people who are on the other side of the glass through which we look.

A church is never guaranteed a future. It is called and sent into the present with all its resources and assets at the disposal of the mission of making a difference to those outside of the comfort and peace of salvation. Where will you be sent to make a difference this week?

Pastor Craig

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