Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Because Jesus Christ Is Lord. . .

For every theological truth there is a “because” statement, something that says, just as we said today, “Because Jesus Christ is Lord, I will seek to be subject to Him in all areas of my life.” You’re right. That should be one of those statements we take for granted. It DOES indeed come down to Jesus Christ is Lord of your life or He is not. There is no in between answer. God won’t meet you halfway on this one.

Think of something for which you gave the last ounce of strength you had, a time when you gave a true full measure. It’s hard to remember, isn’t it? Some of us may wonder if we have ever given all for anything in our life. We have been able to coast through. Life has been easy. The rough spots where just that, spots, on a long journey.

We recognize the commitment Christ gave to us on our behalf, but we have nothing to compare it to when we look around at our commitments and what has been asked of us.

It is with this in mind that we begin a 6-part series on the covenant of God with us. What is it he expects? What is it that we owe? Does grace demand, or expect anything in return?

Whatever is expected should clearly be the goal of every Christian.  We should expect to see it displayed in a real and ongoing way in the lives of our leaders. It is beyond the level of commitment we have given before. It recognizes a higher claim Christ has upon us.

The call to discipleship is not a call to give up only your Sunday mornings. It is not a call only to break bad habits. It is indeed a call to give up yourself, to pour yourself out at the foot of the cross as Christ poured Himself out for you that you might join Him at the foot of the throne. It recognizes shortcomings and failures, but it knows there is no turning back. It is the all or nothing step out of the airplane door for your first parachute jump. You don’t get to do it halfway.

It involves all areas of your life – No, it doesn’t leave you one little spot to call your own. It recognizes that you have been bought and paid for through the work of Jesus Christ. Jesus is not your co-pilot. He is your pilot, but he makes sure you travel first class.

Pastor Craig

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