Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My God Is So. . .


If He who in Himself can lack nothing, chooses to need us, it is because we need to be needed.[1]

God declares His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8 (NASB)

“My God is so BIG, so STRONG, and so MIGHTY! There’s NOTHING my God cannot do!” So went the song when I was younger. . . much younger. It was a bold statement for a young boy in short pants attending VBS. It was one I believed completely. We worshipped the God who needed nothing, the Heavenly Father who stood complete and whole, above His creation. Yet, we knew that it was this God who wanted to come and be like us to show us how needed we were and are.

God, Himself does not need us. If He “needed” us our salvation would be as much about God meeting His own needs as meeting ours. So, God does not “need” us. Yet, in some way He chooses to want us. It is my guess that God cannot feel frustration except through the person of Jesus Christ and His incarnation. However, I am sure that we, as His creatures have given Him multiple opportunities to be frustrated before and since.

We do need to be needed. Why was it ever embarrassing to be chosen last for teams? Because there was no sense of need in being chosen last. We simply were the only alternative left. The only thing worse for our self-esteem would have been for the team forced to choose us to declare that they would rather play shorthanded than include us on their side!

Being needed reaffirms our worth. It shows us we have value. It reminds us that we are important. We NEED to be NEEDED!

You do not fill some hole in God’s heart by being a disciple. On the contrary, God fills all your weaknesses when you become His disciple. God didn’t pick you to complete a winning team. God chose you simply because He loves you. Enjoy that thought. Take comfort in that knowledge.

Pastor Craig

[1] #CSLewis


  1. Thanks for soothing my election hangover, Pastor Craig. I'm once again stranded in Oak Cliff, this time covered with poison ivy. Hope all is well in Ennis.

    1. Be well, friend, or maybe I should say, "Get well!" If you happen to make it to Ennis before Sunday, remember that this Sunday is the Men's Breakfast at the church, 7:30 AM.
