Tuesday, December 22, 2009

To the Ends of the Earth

To the ends of the world . . . Greatness, it is something so fleeting. You or I may be well known within our small community, or within our sphere of expertise of vocation and totally unheard of beyond that immediate sphere of community.

I would guess that each of you could name one Nobel winner from the most recent round of nominees. However, the winner for physics, medicine, etc. is probably something we would not remember even though we may have heard it several times.
Greatness to the end of the world involves more than fame. Fame, even if it is widespread, is still only for a moment in this world. In a few weeks or months, a more recent news item or scandal will grab our attention, and the previous tabloid attention getter will quickly disappear from our memories.

The greatness that refers to power is even less than universal. There has never been a worldwide empire. There has never even been one that really came close to true, worldwide domination. Even the might of the British, Spanish, or Mongol Empires never had control of more than 10% of the world’s landmass at any one time. Each of them had their moment in the sun and quickly faded into legend.

So, to speak about one whose name is great even to the end of the earth. . .well, what exactly does that mean? Certainly, there will indeed come a day when all the word, even every atom of the entire creation, will sing the praises of our Savior. Certainly there will come a time when Christ shall truly rule as King over every corner of his creation and every knee shall bow. However, I think that is just a part of the Good News. The part that truly stirs my soul has little to do with headlines or geography. The part that stirs my soul at its greatest depths is the part that addresses completeness.

You see, we experience the kingdom of God, as the Apostle Paul, wrote, “as one looking in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as also I am known.”

Completeness. The name of Christ will be completely great, great in every possible sense of the word, great beyond simple fame or power. Christ’s greatness will be comprehensive and complete. There will be no corner in any part of the earth where his Glory does not shine. That is the coming of Christ we long for now.
The Babe in the manger, for all its majesty and wonder, is simply a dim mirror compared to the splendor we shall one day see face to face. I can’t wait!

Pastor Craig

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