What happens when one goes home? After such an event as this, can one ever truly go back to what was in their life before? We hope we will go on ministering. We know it won't be in the exact same way as we have been able to minister here. We will be confronted with the demands of school, family, and work. There will demands and requests for our time and energy. We will have to choose. We will have to set priorities. You see, ministry is one of those things that usually gets our left over energy. We spend it on our job, our families, our hobbies - then, AND ONLY THEN, we seek time to minister. Usually, by that time, we are as drained as we are from a workday in the New Orleans heat and humidity.
There is a picture at the top of this post. On my right is Mr. Charles Wilmore. On my left is Mr. Feltus Lee. Mr. Wilmore is 76. Mr. Lee is almost 88. They spent their summer assisting in a day camp with several dozen screaming, caffinated, highly energetic children. They could have, maybe they even wanted to, let the day softly stretch by as they rocked on their front porch at home. They could have watched television, gone down to the Senior Center, visited friends in the neighborhood, or played checkers under the shade of a huge live oak tree in the park as I remember so many of the older men doing in front of the courthouse in Winder, Georgia where I grew up.
Charles and Feltus, I did ask permission to be on a first name basis with them, chose to jump right in the middle of all those kids. They chose that because they realized they are not through, that God has something great and grand yet in their lives, that in the middle of the hurt and pain of New Orleans he has called them to spread hope.
Are you through with life? Please, I hope not. God has great and wonderful work he is doing all over the world, some of it in New Orleans, some of it in far off and exotic sounding places, but much of it in your neighbors' houses, among the hungry and the homeless in your own community, in the heart of the person you see at work who has yet to experience what Christ can do in their life if they will only let Him. However, to be that person, to do that ministry means getting up out of your chair, turning off the television, and making ministry a priority. It means also deciding on your ministry group, place and purpose, but, please, don't be through!
Pastor Craig
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