Monday, August 10, 2009


I watched Saving Private Ryan again the other day. Fortunately, I have never been in war. I have seen pictures taken by good friends who have served in Iraq. Some, many of them, I was not supposed to see. They were not something pleasant to see. The photos were combat photos. None of them contained pictures of injured or KIA American military men and women.

If you have seen the movie, you know it is VERY graphic. War is not pretty. The injuries inflicted and the ways though involved die are beyond terrible.

I have two sons in the United States Marine Corps. I am proud of their choice of service. I am proud they volunteered to put themselves in harms way to keep America safe and free.

Is it possible to do away with war? We have been trying for decades to end war. WWI was the Great War, the War to End All Wars. It was called this because it was so horrific it was thought that countries would avoid war at all costs. Then came WWII. Power and greed takes no vacation.

Death needs to happen in the company of those one loves best, not on a beach thousands of miles from home and hearth! It can be fearful enough to face the great beyond. It is terrorfying to face it alone. I don't have a solution. I wish I did. There will always be dictators who need to be called to account. There will always be those who need America's help. There will always be those who need help to become free. We cannot close our ears. We must help. We must pray for those brave men and women who face death, and those who meet it while they stand in my place and in yours on foreign soil.

God Bless You,

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